Conference Tuesday December 8th

Location: Princess Pavillion


Phase 1: 1000-1700 Symposium
Phase 2: 1800-2200 Film and music Cost £5/£2 - Age of Stupid
The Busketeers


Entry is free for Phase 1 and £5/£2 for Phase 2, but you need to register your interest via the Poly Box Office on 01326 212300 or by a personal visit using this map. Please identify when you call which of the following categories applies, and whether you wish to come to Phase 1 and/or Phase 2:

  • Cornwall College Staff (20)
  • Cornwall College Governor (10)
  • Cornwall College Student (270)
  • University of Plymouth (20)
  • University of Exeter Student (20)
  • University College Falmouth Student (20)
  • Accredited Organisations and Individuals (20)

Monday to Saturday 1000-1700
or via the SU

Catering: Lunch will be served free of charge, and there will be a commercial bar open.

Running Order:

1100: Welcome from Chair
1110: Introduction: Tim German from Low Carbon Cornwall and Chair of Cornwall College Council
1120: Advertising Break: UK Government Unveils Climate Change Map
1130: Adaptation Strategies - Marine: Abby Crosby/CWT
1200: Power on Harrison: Interview with a Climate Change Guru
1300: Luncheon: Judge the Campaign Posters/View Viral Videos/Craft Demonstrations
The Stupid Show/Barry's Film/Raffle
1400: Copenhagen Hook Up
1430: Film as an Agent of Change: Simon Williams/Back to the Planet
1500: Keynote: David Key of Footprint Consulting
1600: Break
1615: Symposium Panel: Chair: Mandy Milano -Chris Jones/Transition Ladock: Alastair Fuad Luke: John Rowe: Manda Brookman
Feedback from Conference Working Groups - Output = statement of opportunity
1715: Performance by Sophie Viol's Troubadors
1800: Age of Stupid - Film
1900: The Busketeers in the Cafe
2000: Kernow Vibrations
2130: 10:10 Sign Up
2200: End
2215: Gylly Cafe


Seaweed identification
Seaweed handwash
Waste Man
Ocean Acidification
Climate change plank


Pro Natura
Cool Earth
Campaigning Posters from Cornwall College graphics students
Species at Risk posters from Cornwall College Wildlife Crime
Bio Char
An artist and his Lather
Active Mural

Health and Safety:

Technical Support:

Paul Harry

Intellectual Support:


1m SLR map
Coastal Zone vulnerability to slr Branch
Climate Change map video - Govt launch
Greenland Tunnels video
Patrick Bond CV and article
Climate Justice Action
World Development Movement

Student confirmations to date (28/10):

8 (Saltash)
12 (Cam/Wildlife Crime)

12 (Duchy/REM)

Staff confirmations to date:

1 (Saltash)
1 (Duchy)

WG 10 Writing for Change

Date: Sunday December 6th 1000

Terms of Reference: Writing Prose and Poetry for Change. Participants will be encouraged to consider the concept of natural change and how the written word can influence the process. The output will be a series of small micro-publications that will be left in public spaces to support the Conference on December 8th at the Princess Pavillion. There will be a charcoal burning workshop at the same time to give warmth.

Maximum Delegate Number: 21

Location: Peripatetic around Gyllyngvase Beach

Consultant(s): Mac Dunlop

Permissions: Cornwall Council

Health and Safety:


anthropos 125

WG9 Forest Skills

Date: Sunday 6th December

Terms of Reference: To bring the forest to the beach and set up a mass charcoal burn over a three hour period to deliver carbon back to the Earth.

Maximum Delegate Number: 21

Location: Gyllyngvase Beach

Consultant(s): Rory MacPhee Tracey McIver

Permissions: Cornwall Council

Health and Safety: First Aid, water buckets, gloves, eye protection, wether forecasts, first aid attendance


Bio Char


Good summary of bio char

WG8 Cornwall Marine Educators

Date: Monday 7th December 1805-2000

Terms of Reference: Share best practice amongst Cornwall's community of marine educators.

Maximum Delegate Number: 20

Location: Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society Falmouth

Consultant(s): Jason Birt


WG7 Innovation in a Low Carbon Economy

Date: Monday 7th December 1800 onwards

Terms of Reference:

Participants are asked to attend one of the Working Groups described at The common thread running through these groups is opportunities in an increasingly low-carbon economy. For instance, the Working Group established at Newquay College will discuss marine algae (seaweed) as a resource for bio-fuels, fertiliser, nutrition and cosmetics. You could address the issue of resource exploitation.

To reduce travel your challenge is to devise a format for a "virtual seminar" using a social networking site. Apart from Facebook you could try Arts for COP!5 or the BlueGym. There are many other formats that could be used, with perhaps MSN messenger worth a look.

It is hoped that one or more members of this Group would be able to attend the Conference on the following day at the Princess Pavillion to deliver outputs - namely an identification of possible business start-ups.

Maximum Delegate Number: 12

WG6 Sustainable Composite Engineering

Date: Friday 4th December 1000-1600 hrs

Terms of Reference: Composite Engineering for a Low Carbon Economy

Maximum Delegate Number: 100

Location: National Maritime Museum, Falmouth

Chair: Alex Whatley

Industry Attendees:

Alistair Callender,

Running Order (draft) :

0900: Introduction
0915: A Young Designer Speaks – Alistair Callender
1000: Industry Q and A
1100: Coffee
1045: Industry Solutions
1215: Lunch
1345: Materials for a Low Carbon Society - tbc
1345: Wooden Surfboards
1430: Break
1445: Plenary Discussion
- Barriers to Developing Best Environmental Practice


Possible Sessions:

Alistair Callender
Mark Roberts - Wooden Surfboards
Video Lounge
Triss - Surfboard Construction
Tom Kay - Product Manufacture and Retail


Homeblown 1
Loose Fit 2
Alex 75
Gylly 1
Mark Glass 1

Paul Shakespeare
Sam Boex
SW Manufacturing and Advisory Service
Triskell Marine

Health and Safety: Risk Assessment undertaken (tbc)


Mark Roberts video
Sustainable Composites
Tom Wegener workhop report
Sustainable Compsites Network
ADAS Publications
Bio Fibres information from Univesrity of Plymouth - includes mechanical characteristics
Bio Resins information ditto and list of suppliers
Cullen/Summerscales PowerPoint
National Non Food Crops Centre
Eco Elise from Lotus
Cornwall Knowledge Economy information sheet
Ecovative - American start up company video
Malama Composites video
Pine based bio-resin video
Low Carbon Business Unit and video

Resources Needed:

Pineapple, sisal, miscanthus, flax, nettle


Richard Cullen UoP


ac 125
fagito 200
domatia 50

Design Enabling Transition

Date: Monday 7th December 1000-1600

Terms of Reference: Identify methods to reduce embedded energy values in product and process design.

Maximum Delegate Number: 120 - CC staff:10 CC students:50 Tremough:20 UoP: 20 Industry:20

Location: Cornwall College Camborne Opie Building

Consultant(s): Alastair Fuad-Luke Howard Meadowcroft David Emblin

Running Order:

1000: Co-Design - AFL
1100: SoapBox - design aspirations of delegates

1200: Break
1230: Yemeni Mud Architecture
1300: Design Workshop - Co-Designing an Affordable Contemporary Vernacular Cornish Dwelling
1600: End

Delegates will be invited to attend a Symposium the following day at the Princess Pavillion in Falmouth where this and other Working Groups will integrate their findings.

Health and Safety:


anthropos 300 50

WG4 Marine Eco Tourism

Date: Saturday December 5th

Terms of Reference: Conjuncting Adventure with Learning: how can water-based adventures be embedded in HE and FE curricula?

Maximum Delegate Number: 20 - 10 staff, 5 students, 5 industry

Location: Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society, Falmouth

Consultant(s): Mike Carter of the Observer, Colin Speedie of Wave Action, Rory Goodall
of Elemental Tours

Running Order (draft) :

0730: Meet at Customs House Quay for Oyster Boat Observation (5) or,
0730: Meet Alf Smithers at 0730 Mylor (3)
1030: Gather at RCPS library, coffee and introductions
1100: Colin Speedie - Training marine operators - the WISE scheme
1200: Elemental Tours - Afloat and Ashore
1245: Break
1315: Rory MacPhee: Inshore Operations - Cornwall Council Regulations
1345: Discussion: Tourism in a low carbon economy

Requisition: Lady Kay

Risk Assessment:

Visit Lady Kay and the Alf Smithers




Planning for Marine EcoTourism in the EU Atlantic Area - Uni of West of Engalnd 80 page report
The Meaning of Marine Eco Tourism - Delphi study
Journal of Sustainable Tourism
COAST Video - Sustainable Tourism in Cornwall


anthropos 150
varka ranger 50

WG3 Offshore Renewable Energy


Terms of Reference:

Maximum Delegate Number:




Health and Safety:


WG2 Aquaculture and Offshore Energy

Date: Monday December 7th 2009

Time: 1200-1800

Terms of Reference: Marine Resource Exploitation in a Low Carbon Economy

Maximum Delegate Number: 100 - Cornwall College staff/students: 70, Exeter staff/students 20, industry 10

Location: National Martime Museum Falmouth

Chair: Dr Claire Eatock

Context: Opportunities to co-relate offshore structures with aquaculture; enabling knowledge transfer between academia and industry to grow opportunity

Running Order:

1200: Welcome: Rory MacPhee
1210: Chair: Introduction and Protocols
1220: The Crown Estate - Charles Green, Coastal Manager, The Crown Estate
1240: Case Study - The Wave Hub with Dr Helen Smith University of Exeter
1300: Break-Video Lounge and Conversation
1400: Oceans, Bounty and Sanctuary - Finding Sanctuary work and debate
1500: Confessions of a Mussel Shoveller
1530: Break
1545: Steve Hall NOCs
1630: Aquaculture - Strengths and Weaknesses with Andy Fitgerald/SWGA
1700: Craig Baldwin - Massaging sperm
1715: Break
1730: Industry Plenary
1800: End

Back-up: Michael Hunt - Educating for Change



Core Text: Review of the Reef Effects of Offshore Wind Farm Structures - Report to BERR
EUTube on Renewables
Finding Sanctuary
Crown Estate
Monbiot meets Shell
Offshore aquaculture

Technician: Tim Fitter


Connor, Peter []
David Marshall
Exeter PhD
Cornish Mussels
Tony Fraser
Andy Fitzgerald/SWAGA


domatia 50

WG1 Marine Algae

Date: December 7th 0900-1600

Terms of Reference: To identify ways in which the Cornish economy can be enhanced by increasing the exploitation of its marine algae resource - whether for nutrition, cosmetics, bio-fuels or fertiliser.

Outputs: County wide research strategy to identify abundance, commercial value, commerical uses, bio-diversity, threats and opportunites.

Maximum Delegate Number: 30

Location: Newquay College

Client: Spezia Organics

Running Order:

Chair AM: Rory MacPhee
Chair PM: Jason Birt

1000: Introductions and Client Specification
1030: Legal Aspects of Seaweed Collection
1045: Research Groups: Nutrition, Therapeutic. Land Stewardship, Bio-Fuel
1200: Bio-Char and Algae - 2 plus 2 = 400?
1230: Lunch - Chondus Crispus
1245: Chair Summary of Issues
1300: Research Groups:
1500: Launch of dedicated website
1515: Plenary
1600: Chair's summary


Delegates will be issued with briefing materials in advance of the day.


Spezia Organics
Mandy Milano


Stackhouse Cove and from HVMCA
Dr Juliet Brodie
Dr Pamela Tompsett



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