Time: 1200-1800
Terms of Reference: Marine Resource Exploitation in a Low Carbon Economy
Maximum Delegate Number: 100 - Cornwall College staff/students: 70, Exeter staff/students 20, industry 10
Location: National Martime Museum Falmouth
Chair: Dr Claire Eatock
Context: Opportunities to co-relate offshore structures with aquaculture; enabling knowledge transfer between academia and industry to grow opportunity
Running Order:
1200: Welcome: Rory MacPhee
1210: Chair: Introduction and Protocols
1220: The Crown Estate - Charles Green, Coastal Manager, The Crown Estate
1240: Case Study - The Wave Hub with Dr Helen Smith University of Exeter
1300: Break-Video Lounge and Conversation
1400: Oceans, Bounty and Sanctuary - Finding Sanctuary work and debate
1500: Confessions of a Mussel Shoveller
1530: Break
1545: Steve Hall NOCs
1630: Aquaculture - Strengths and Weaknesses with Andy Fitgerald/SWGA
1700: Craig Baldwin - Massaging sperm
1715: Break
1730: Industry Plenary
1800: End
Back-up: Michael Hunt - Educating for Change
Core Text: Review of the Reef Effects of Offshore Wind Farm Structures - Report to BERR
EUTube on Renewables
Finding Sanctuary
Crown Estate
Monbiot meets Shell
Offshore aquaculture
Technician: Tim Fitter
Connor, Peter [P.M.Connor@exeter.ac.uk]
David Marshall
Exeter PhD
Cornish Mussels
Tony Fraser
Andy Fitzgerald/SWAGA
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