Terms of Reference: To identify ways in which the Cornish economy can be enhanced by increasing the exploitation of its marine algae resource - whether for nutrition, cosmetics, bio-fuels or fertiliser.
Outputs: County wide research strategy to identify abundance, commercial value, commerical uses, bio-diversity, threats and opportunites.
Maximum Delegate Number: 30
Location: Newquay College
Client: Spezia Organics
Running Order:
Chair AM: Rory MacPhee
Chair PM: Jason Birt
1000: Introductions and Client Specification
1030: Legal Aspects of Seaweed Collection
1045: Research Groups: Nutrition, Therapeutic. Land Stewardship, Bio-Fuel
1200: Bio-Char and Algae - 2 plus 2 = 400?
1230: Lunch - Chondus Crispus
1245: Chair Summary of Issues
1300: Research Groups:
1500: Launch of dedicated website
1515: Plenary
1600: Chair's summary
Delegates will be issued with briefing materials in advance of the day.
Spezia Organics
Mandy Milano
Stackhouse Cove and from HVMCA
Dr Juliet Brodie
Dr Pamela Tompsett