Design Enabling Transition

Date: Monday 7th December 1000-1600

Terms of Reference: Identify methods to reduce embedded energy values in product and process design.

Maximum Delegate Number: 120 - CC staff:10 CC students:50 Tremough:20 UoP: 20 Industry:20

Location: Cornwall College Camborne Opie Building

Consultant(s): Alastair Fuad-Luke Howard Meadowcroft David Emblin

Running Order:

1000: Co-Design - AFL
1100: SoapBox - design aspirations of delegates

1200: Break
1230: Yemeni Mud Architecture
1300: Design Workshop - Co-Designing an Affordable Contemporary Vernacular Cornish Dwelling
1600: End

Delegates will be invited to attend a Symposium the following day at the Princess Pavillion in Falmouth where this and other Working Groups will integrate their findings.

Health and Safety:


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